


Please Click here to view syllabus as a pdf…


Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 2 Credit Hours: 3

Instructor’s Name: Office Hours: Via Email and Appointing Justin Hoffman


Class Time: Online…

Office Phone: Email: 268 -2600



Course Description: Web creation has become a pervasive presence for representing an individuals’ business interests to a global environment. This course will utilize theskills learned from previous portfolio management courses, providing thestudent an opportunity to learn the about the basic principles of web design.


Statement of Perquisites: NONE 


Goal: The goal of the course is for the students to leave the course with an opportunityto combine their accomplishments from previous portfolio courses.


Outcomes: Successful completion of this course will enable students to:

  •   Design Foundations for a Html Page
  •   Understand Photo Management for Web
  •   Understand the creation and networking structure of links
  •   Design a CSS Page
  •   Manage a cpanel
  •   Understand server data flow and networking
  •   Manage a Content Management System
  •   Understand Theme Design for CMS Systems
  •   Identify PHP code syntax
  •   Identify JQuery code syntax
  •   Understand contemporary dynamic design elements in relation to the web

Methodology: This course will combine the Lecture sections with hands on lab workshop activities, where students will have online resources and tutorials to enhance their skills. Workshops and activities build to larger more advanced projects where the students have the opportunity to activate the learned skills.


Evaluation Criteria: Grades will be calculated based on point scale in regards to acumen of Projects, Comprehension and Participation with readings, Homework/Lab Sessions, and Participation.

50 % == Projects
25 % == Readings
10 % == Homework/Lab Sessions 15% == Participation/ Attendance*

100 % == Total Points

*Assessment of Participation and Attendance is based on class interaction, attitude, and collaboration with other students, initiative, and cognizance to class hours and deadlines.









Required Text, Reading, and Materials:

Class web site and tutorials: @
Smashing WordPress Beyond the Blog – John Wiley and Sons; 1st

edition(February8,2010)– ISBN:978-0470684153 W3C School (
Additional Readingswill be provided via .pdf in class

Class Policies: Students enrolled in this course are expected to be engaged and prepared regarding the course material. Dialogue and participation regarding course material is encouraged, and it is expected that attendees are considerate and invested in their peers’ ideas and presented activities.

Checking email, searching the web, or playing video games, cell phone conversations or text messaging are prohibited during class time. All computer related activities should be directed toward course materials, all personal activities are expected to be taken care of outside the classroom.

This course encourages class participation over the web, we will form a web group and students are encouraged to participate and help each other. Remember that all online resources are school property, behavior on the web


is strictly enforced when utilizing class resources. In addition, it is expected that all class participants are respected and not intimidated by others via aggressive dialogue, sabotage of other student’s property, etc.

Attendance is expected for every scheduled day of classes. After 3 missed classes the student will lose a letter grade for each additional absence. Plan your days off careful and remember your participation in class presentations goes beyond just the demonstration of your work. Your interaction and assessment of other works and presentations is also an important role for participating classmates.

BACK UP YOUR WORK – failure to bring is assignments are an individual’s responsibility; hardware failure is not an excuse.

Course work is accepted the following two weeks after the assignments due date. Although work will lose a letter grade for each week that it is late.

The professor has the ability to judge if exceptions are viable regarding due dates and participation credits.


Last Date to Change to Audit Status or to Withdraw with a W Grade:

July 6, 2012


Student Rights and Responsibilities: Please refer to the Casper College Student Conduct and Judicial Code for information concerning your rights and responsibilities as a Casper College Student.

Chain of Command: If you have any problems with this class, you should first contact the instructor to attempt to solve the problem. If you are not satisfied with the solution offered by the instructor, you should then take the matter through the appropriate chain of command starting with the Department Head/Program Director, the Academic Dean, and lastly the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Academic Dishonesty – Cheating & Plagiarism: Casper College demands intellectual honesty. Proven plagiarism or any form of dishonesty associated

with the academic process can result in the offender failing the course in which the offense was committed or expulsion from school. See the Casper College Student Code of Conduct.

ADA Accommodations Policy: It is the policy of Casper College to provide appropriate accommodations to any student with a documented disability. If you have a need for accommodation in this course, please make an appointment with our Accommodative Services Counselor at 268- 2557.

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Designed by Justin Hoffman